two apprehensions of the analytical encounter:

transformations in knowing and transformations in being/becoming



Universe Life Square

Rua Visconde do Rio Branco 1488, 4° andar - Curitiba/PR

evento Pré Jornada, participe






About the event

When we come across the history of psychoanalysis, we identify an evolutionary path of the perception of the analyst's work in the apprehension of the phenomena of what happens in the analysis room, in the analytic encounter.

In reality, every dedicated analyst is faced with the need for evolution and continuous improvement.

Some analysts left us the privilege of a written legacy of the expansions they were able to grasp in the evolution of their analytical condition. Primarily, Sigmund Freud. Classically, we consider Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion. But, also, others did.

The careful study of the legacy of psychoanalyst Wifred Ruprecht Bion (1897-1979) reveals the identification of a change in the focus of psychoanalysis from the content of unconscious manifestations to contact with the psychic process itself. Thus, we can identify an “early Bion” and a “late Bion” (Vermote, 2013).

It is considered that a significant change occurred in Wilfred Bion's thinking in the final chapters of his book “Transformations” (Bion, 1965), which were elaborated in “Attention and interpretation” (Bion, 1970/1984) and expressed in his trilogy “A Memoir of the Future” (Bion, 1979), in his autobiographies, many of his supervisions and in his last articles.

With the aim of promoting, publicizing and discussing these developments in psychoanalysis, the Scientific Department of the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of Curitiba became interested and worked to create this International Journey on Psychoanalysis: two apprehensions of the analytical encounter: transformations in knowing and transformations in being /become.

Therefore, clinical psychoanalysts who can help us understand these developments were invited to be with us on this journey.
In this scenario, at an international level, psychoanalyst Rudi Vermote has examined and highlighted the repercussions of the proposals, in clinical work, of the “late Bion” and of apprehensions that we can make through contact with the undifferentiated area of the mind.

Arnaldo Chuster has a professional life dedicated to researching Wilfred Bion's theoretical and clinical proposals and their development. He has written books, articles, made presentations and coordinated numerous study groups, in Brazil and abroad, on the work of this psychoanalyst.

Carmen Mion apresenta em seus trabalhos a condição e a necessidade da sensibilidade do analista de trabalhar com o que se apresenta no campo da sessão e as possibilidades de transformações resultantes.

Edival Perrini has numerous works related to the dreamlike dimension of analytical work and aspects of the primordial mind, the working through process on the analytical work. He will be an important interlocutor in this dialogue.

João Carlos Braga has presented the different clinical horizons that become evident when the analyst privileges transformations in knowing (“Transformations in K”) and what opens up when paying attention to transformations in being or becoming (Transformations in “O”).

The Journey is scheduled for September 28th, it will be a morning and an afternoon of activities. It will take place in Curitiba, in person, but online participation will also be possible. The event will feature simultaneous translation, English – Portuguese, Portuguese – English.

On this website you will find the schedule and location of the day, information about the speakers, how to register, suggested hotels and tourist attractions in Curitiba, and a contact email so you can ask your questions.

We managed to bring together a very significant group of colleagues, we hope you can join us in identifying, studying, discussing and assimilating these proposals for psychoanalysis.

See you soon!
Andreas Zschoerper Linhares
(Scientific Director SBPCuritiba)


  • Bion, W. R. (1979). A Memoir of the Future. Karnak Books
  • Bion, W. R. (1989). Uma memória do futuro, Vol. 1 – o sonho (P. C. Sandler, Trad.). Martins Fontes.
  • Bion, W. R. (1996a). Uma memória do futuro, Vol. 2 – o passado apresentado (P. C. Sandler, Trad.). Imago.
  • Bion, W. R. (1996b). Uma memória do futuro, Vol. 3 – a aurora do esquecimento (P. C. Sandler, Trad.). Imago.
  • Bion, W. R. (1965). Transformations: from learning to growth (P. C. Sandler, Trad.). Imago. William Heinemann Meical Books.
  • Bion, W. R. (1984). Attention and Interpretation. Karnac (Original work published in 1970)
  • Vermote, R. (2011) On the value of ‘late Bion’ to analytic theory and practice. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 92:5, 1089-1098
  • Vermote, R. (2019) Reading Bion. The New Library of Psychoanalysis, Ed. Dana Birksted-Breen. Routledge.


Brasilia Standard Time
9h - 9h15
9h15 - 10h15
10h15 - 10h30
10h30 - 12h15
Round table
  • Arnaldo Chuster
  • Carmen Mion
  • Edival Perrini
12h15 - 14h
14h - 16h
16h - 17h45
General discussion with presenters and participants

Limited places

Hotel Tips

To offer an attractive accommodation cost, we contacted some nearby hotels (less than 350m from the event).

Here are some suggestions:

Hotel Grand Mercure Rayon
Hotel Deville Business
Hotel Pestana Curitiba
Hotel Saint Emillion by Atlantica

Organizing committee

SBPCuritiba Scientific Department

Andreas Zschoerper Linhares

Effective member SBPCuritiba and SBPRP

Sônia Regina Saborido Gazziero

Effective member SBPCuritiba and SBPRP

Marli Claudete Braga

Effective member (SBPCuritiba, SBPSP and SBPRJ) and training analyst SBPCuritiba Child and adolescent analyst

Marina Vidal Stabile

Associate member of SBPCuritiba


Department of Communication and Publication

Fabia Garcia Herrera

Mariângela Relvas

Gabriela Vieira
Graphic designer 

Technical Team

Anderson Pinheiro
Transmission Technician

Coletivo Intérpretes
Simultaneous translation

Vetor Box Soluções
Web development


Solange Luiz Caldas dos Santos

Marina Vidal Stabile
Secretary Director

Márcio Antônio Johnsson
Institute of Psychoanalysis

Andreas Zschoerper Linhares
Scientific Department

Marcelo Pauka Loyola Netto
Department of Community Affairs

Sérgio Seishim Kaio
Member Assessment and Progression Department

Fábia Garcia Herrera
Department of Communication and Publication

José Carlos Vasconcelos
Finance department


Do you have any questions?

Fill in the fields below and we will respond as soon as possible.

Carmen C. Mion

Effective Member and Training Analyst of the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of São Paulo (SBPSP). Teacher and Supervisor of the SBPSP Institute. Current President of SBPSP (2021-2022 and 2023-2024). Member of the Board of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Assistant Professor at the Neurological Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP, 1980 to 1988. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) in 1976; Residency in Neurology at the Hospital das Clínicas of FMUSP, 1977 to 1979. Postgraduate studies at the Mental Health Clinical Research Center at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, 1988 to 1990. Works published in the “Revista Brasileira de Psic Análise”, “Jornal de Psic Análise”, “International Journal of Psychoanalysis”, and contributions to national and international books. Private clinical practice in an office with adult and adolescent patients, individual and group supervision, where he also coordinates study groups on the theories of Freud and Bion.


Effective member and training analyst of the Psychoanalytic Society of Rio de Janeiro (SPRJ). Training and Training Analyst at The Newport Institute of Psychoanalysis (NPI), in California. Honorary member of the Wilfred Bion Institute, in Porto Alegre. Member of the Brazilian Psychiatric Association (ABP). He coordinates study groups on Bion's work in Porto Alegre, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Goiânia, Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro and abroad. He has numerous articles and book chapters published in Brazil and abroad. Some of his published books are: Negative Capacity – A Path In Search Of Light; Psychoanalysis: from ethical-aesthetic principles to the Clinic; The Seven Deadly Envy; W. R. Bion: the Complex Work; Language of psychoanalytical range; A lonely road –  essays on the complexity of W., R. Bions work; W. R. Bion – new readings I and II; Symmetry and the Psychoanalytic Object: Challenging Paradigms with W.R. Bion.

Rudi Vermote, M.D. Ph.D

Full member, training analyst and former president of the Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis. It has articles and book chapters mainly about clinical research and Bion's work. Published in 2019 ‘Reading Bion’ in the Routledge teaching series (series editor Dana Birksted-Breen). Member of the IPA Clinical Research Committee for 8 years, Member of the IPA International New Group Committee, sponsor of the Taiwan IPA study group. Honorary member of the California Psychoanalytic Center. Professor at the Winnicott Center in Tel-Aviv. Member of the Editorial Board and Executive Committee of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Leuven (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Psychology). Visiting professor at Kyoto University. For over 20 years head of the Department of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders at the University Hospital of the University of Leuven (KUL). Until 2020 Head of the Postgraduate Course in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the University of Leuven (KUL)


Effective member, didact and teacher at the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of São Paulo (SBPSP) and the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of Curitiba (SPPCuritiba), where he is also a founding member. Physician from the Federal University of Paraná, Psychiatrist from the Brazilian Psychiatric Association. He participated in the Board of Directors of the Psychoanalytic Group of Curitiba (GPC)/ SBPCuritiba from its foundation in 2013 until 2024, having been its President between 2013 and 2017. He was part of the Teaching Committee of the Institute of Psychoanalysis of SBPCuritiba between 2016 and 2023. Has articles published in several psychoanalysis magazines such as the Brazilian Journal of Psychoanalysis, “Revista Ide” and “Jornal de Psicanálise”. He is the author of “Armazém de ecos e achados” (2001), “O olho das águas” (2009) e “Oceano – poesia quase da vida inteira” (Blucher/Tao–2024), among other poetry books

João Carlos Braga

Effective member and training analyst and professor at the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of São Paulo. Founder and effective member with teaching role of the Brazilian Society of Psychoanalysis of Curitiba. Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Paraná (1966) and from the same University he also received the title of Doctor of Medicine (1971). He was a fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at Baylor University (Houston, USA) in 1967. He was an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Paraná between 1968 and 1981). Coordinator of study groups on the work of W.R. Bion. He has around 30 psychoanalytic works published in national and international journals. He has a clinical practice in Curitiba, Paraná.

Hotel Grand Mercure Rayon
where the guests will be accommodated.

(Rafaela Alexandre, Jonatas ou Rogério)

  • SUPERIOR - Double 01 Bed R$ 370

    Negotiated daily rate + 5%ISS

  • SUPERIOR - Double 02 Bed R$ 430

    Negotiated daily rate + 5%ISS

  • LUXO - Double 01 Bed R$ 430

    Negotiated daily rate + 5%ISS

  • LUXO - Double 02 Bed R$ 490

    Negotiated daily rate + 5%ISS

  • NET tariffs (No commission);
  • 5% ISS (per day/per apartment);
  • Parking: R$ 35.00 per vehicle per day;
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi;
  • Breakfast included;
  • Check-in 14h and Check-out 12h.
Hotel Deville Business
  • SUPERIOR - Individual R$ 311


  • SUPERIOR - Duplo R$ 365


  • LUXO - Individual R$ 401


  • LUXO - Duplo R$ 455


  • SUÍTE - Individual R$ 509


  • SUÍTE - Duplo R$ 563


  • Available Quantity, upon prior availability consultation through communication channels;
  • Additional for 3rd person R$ 60.00;
  • All values ​​presented above will be increased by 10% service charge and 5% ISS.
Hotel Pestana Curitiba

Kelly ou Orestes

  • Diária single R$ 430

    + 5%ISS

  • Diária duplo R$ 430

    + 5%ISS

  • Fixed Rates;
  • Breakfast included;
Hotel Saint Emillion by Atlantica